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Can a Woman Get Pregnant After Gallbladder Removal

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Pregnancy after gallbladder removal

I had my gallbladder removed last year.. Probably the best decision ever. I was so so sick from it. Fast forward to now... I'm 22 weeks pregnant and I have the worst tight, stabby-like pain just to the right of the top scar, about where the gallbladder was? (I think).

Anyone else? Think it's just stretching?


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I had my gallbladder out a few years ago and now I'm 24 weeks pregnant. (Thank god we got them removed it seems like it's even worse during pregnancy) I was having some pain around my belly button area, so not exactly the same spot, but I asked my doctor about it on Thursday and she said that its normal stretching going on. It may just be that the skin by your scar could be sensitive and that's why your feeling the pain. If it continues def mention it to your doctor.


It started 3 days after my appointment, lol! Isn't that the way it always goes! I do have a follow up ultrasound on the 6th with a specialist... I think I'll ask her about it since I won't see my OB again until 4 weeks.

I have been getting the same feeling in the right upper quadrant of my stomach for about 2 wks. I am 25 wks. It feels like a burning/spasm sensation. I asked my ob doc if she thought it was related to my gallbladder but she thinks its just from growing.

I had to have my gallbladder removed when I was 17, non-laparoscopic. Fast forward 5 years, nowthat my stomach is stretching the scar is bruised and painful. My OB is talking about after birth, c section, going in and doing a re-construction on my scar.

OMG! I'm so relieved I'm not the only one. I had my gallbladder removed 7 years ago and after I gave birth last year I had a ton of pain near where my gallbladder was. It seemed to have gone away pretty much but now that I'm pregnant it's bothering me again. I have a scar from the laparoscopic tools that I think is pulling/stretching. I hope it isn't worse after this delivery.

Yep. Had mine out 10 yrs ago. I'm having the same painful sensations around my scars. It's from the scar tissue inside that's stretching. Ouch.

My mum has this before falling pregnant with me. She often tells me she was in agony for months due to scar tissue. She had to sleep reclines rather than flat. But be aware that this can cause a posterior baby. Sorry you're going through this!

Hi i had my gallbladder removed last year, have recently found out I'm pregnant I'd say  im about 5 weeks, but im getting the exact same time pain in the same place as you, its really uncomfortable and achey

I'm having the same pains 😫 did anybody find any relief for it?

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Can a Woman Get Pregnant After Gallbladder Removal
